On  Tue, 20 Feb 1996 14:51:05   Marco Santerre <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>   I would like to know if anyone is running a beta version of MPE/iX
>5.5?  The reason I'm asking is in regards to the TCP/IP software.  I
>want to know if there a lot of problems that have been found on 5.5, etc...
I was talking to the Response Center about this yesterday morning.
They told me that 5.5 was just shipping to VABs as we spoke. The timetable the
engineer had in front of them said it was due to ship to beta sites on 2-28.
I too am interested in the TCP/IP software, especially the Inbound Telnet stuff.
I would like to request that any beta sites on the list keep us informed as
to how the 5.5 tesing is going, if that is possible.
Chad Gilles
American United Life
Indianapolis, IN
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