Stan wrote:
> Larry writes:
> > You may rightfully disagree with the decisions CSY makes, but the basis
> > for the decisions are always customers first.
> Sorry Larry,
> But CSY puts dollars first, along with the rest of HP.  Check the
> HP corporate goals...profit comes first, then customers.  It's been that
> way officially since about September, 1983.  (Beyond RISC! page 5,
> researched at the HP Corporate Library.)
> --
> Stan Sieler                                          [log in to unmask]
But for CSY, the best way to make profit is by putting the MPE customer
first? It seems to work most times.
-- - - - Speaking for myself and not necessarily anybody else - - - - - -
Richard Gambrell        | Internet: [log in to unmask]
Mgr. Tech. Services     | POT:      504-483-7454     FAX: 504-482-1561
Xavier University of LA | Smail:    7325 Palmetto, New Orleans, LA 70125