Re: Mover A.00.02
Patch MPEHX12C will replace MPEHX12B (and is in the process of being
automatically uploaded to Supportline as I write). I contains the MOVER
A.00.02 version.
However it is a bit of an Mobius strip to use Mover A.00.01 to unpack
any patches
and find that it can't even unpack Mover A.00.02 (there is no later
version) or to
use A.00.02 to unpack A.00.02.
If you have A.00.01, you can get the new binary from When
the patch gets to Supportline, we will hand delete it to avoid confusion
it's purpose. (It does remain General Release so that it can be sent out
on tapes).
It was unknown to us on the Supportline project that there was a MOVER
For the record A.00.02 has been submitted to 5.5 and as well the next
(C.50.05) will contain MPEHX12C. A.00.02 was necessary for Supportline
it supports relative file names and fixes a KSAM problem. Because MOVER
one of those programs that was written on a voluntary as needed basis,
we are
taking steps to support it and archive it.
Wray Smallwood, CSY