Greetings -
A strange problem has appeared during our conversion
from version 5.09 to version 7.09 of Quiz on our HP3000:
Subtotals are incorrect using compiled code if there
is a driver subfile, the verb SORTED is used, and the
compile was done with an 'empty' subfile.  Running
the Quiz code later (with data in the subfile), instead of
real subtotals, Quiz is printing the first occurence of
the element that should be subtotaled.  Oddly enough,
if the code is compiled with a 'populated' subfile, this
error does not occur.  Curiouser, this situation also
occasionally happened with SORT.  If we ran the source
code, i.e. the uncompiled version, proper subtotals
appeared.  We've taken some care to make
sure that the original 'empty' subfile is format 6.
Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated.  As
may be obvious, converting further to the current
release of Quiz is not an option.
Kelly Sevilla
Exequiel R. Sevilla III     (aka Kelly)
Senior System Analyst
Hughes Network Systems
11717 Exploration Lane
Germantown, MD  20876
301/428-5527 (v)    301/428-1868 (f)
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All opinions expressed are personal.
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