On Mon, 29 Jan 1996, Mark Ranft wrote:
> Since upgrading to MPE/iX (from 'Classic' systems about
> five years ago), I have had sporadic complaints about
> jobs aborting because files that have just
> been created are non-existant when opened by the next
> process.  We have worked around this problem by
> inserting :PAUSEs between the file creation and its
> subsequent use.
> A programmer just stopped by my office with this
> senario.
> !    copy filea,fileb
> !
> !pause 30
> !    suprtool
>      i filec
>      o fileb,erase
>      x
>      exit
> !
> Upon executing, SUPRTOOL complained about the
> non-existance of fileb.
> The programmer is increasing the PAUSE to 120 seconds as
> a work a round.
> Has anyone else experienced this?  It really bugs me!
> TIA,
> Mark Ranft
> General Mills Inc.
> [log in to unmask]
I recall something very similar to this occurring on our machine
(980/100).  I don't remember what we did about it (sorry), but it seems
to have gone away, for the most part.  Whether this is the result of a
fix to the OS, a fix to the application, or just the fact that less
people are using the system (layoffs, you know), I don't know.  Hope it
helps to know you're not the only one (sorry I wasn't of any other help!)
Don  Harrington                         Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
(206) 931-4457 voice                    P. O. Box 3707 M/S 5J-34
(206) 931-9085 FAX                      Seattle, WA  98124-2207
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