In article <"d0m(U9x00rZb+jpa*"@MHS>, [log in to unmask] wrote:
>Michael wrote:
>>I am trying to come up with a way to selectively disable MPE/iX commands from
>>within programs.  The method must work on 3rd party products as well as in
>>utilities (which may or may not have source code).  The only concession is
>>the method only has to work for NM programs (although I might have to do it
>>CM programs later).
>Hi Michael,
>perhaps I completely misunderstood your intention but what about the product
>With this product you can configure commands logging and access:
>1) Logging ON/OFF
>2) General Execution ON/OFF (from within CI)
>'Hope that this is just what you want the system to do.
>    Holger Wiemann
>                                                          ,,,,,
>                                                           (o o)
>    Hewlett-Packard GmbH
>    Germany
>    E-Mail:  [log in to unmask],
>             [log in to unmask]
>    Desk:    Holger Wiemann /HPGRMY/05
>                                                       .oooO  (   )
>                                                       (   )   ) /
>                                                        \ (   (_/
>                                                         \_)
Well Holger,
  You and a few others have mailed me that very same suggestion.  And I have to
admit that it is one that I had not considered (not being a Security Monitor
user).  I am unfamiliar with the product since I have not worked for a company
that wanted it.  The last 2 not willing to spend the money on what they deamed
as a 'partial product' (arriving at the decision without asking me:)).  I shall
request some information from HP on the product and hopefully will get a chance
to see it run so that I can make an informed decision (or in my case,
Thanks for your help.
Michael P. Smith                        [log in to unmask]
HP Systems Programmer                   [log in to unmask]
Hertz Corporation, Oklahoma City, OK
 'Be a team player, it diffuses the blame'  - Dilbert
The views and opinions expressed in this document are expressly
my own.  So get off the couch, I obviously need more help than you.