Uh, I remember seeing this story on the news, back when they started running
with the ticketless travel.  We are not talking about a little blurb, but rather
a feature story.  I also remember them mentioning at least twice, (not a large
number of times, but not bad if you think about the level of publicity to this
point) that the new system ran on HP3000s.  I was actually surprised that it
took HP this long to put it into their own magazines!
Kevin Newman
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Great article on the HP3000 & Southwest Airlines
Author:  "F. Alfredo Rego" <[log in to unmask]> at Internet
Date:    1/27/96 6:06 AM
Check out pages 10 and 11 of the January-February 1996 issue of "Measure"
Magazine (the wonderful HP publication for its employees and friends).
It would be great to see your comments on the HP3000-L.  And it would be
very useful to extend your discussions outside of just HP3000-L.  There are
many intriguing issues.  Just to start the fire, here is this one:
"... [the Dallas HP sales] team at first believed that a UNIX system-based,
open-systems environment might be preferable to the HP3000.  After hours of
discussion, the Utah-California-Texas HP team agreed that the HP3000 was
the right solution to provide on-line transaction processing and high
Notice that, giving the nature of the business, we are restricting
ourselves to discussions along the lines of "on-line transaction processing
and high availability" [i.e., no pretty graphics or other sexy stuff, which
is best left to Macintoshes and such].  This proves that, when the stakes
are high, reason triumphs over buzzwords.  Hewlett-Packard is on to
something significant here.
Now, for the $0.01 question:
Why doesn't HP publish this wonderful story OUTSIDE of the faithful?  I'm
sure HP has the resources to "leak" this story to hundreds of publications.
Hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint...
Subtly hinting,
|               |
|            r  |  Alfredo                     [log in to unmask]
|          e    |                           http://www.adager.com
|        g      |  F. Alfredo Rego               Tel 208 726-9100
|      a        |  Manager, Theoretical Group    Fax 208 726-2822
|    d          |  Adager Corporation
|  A            |  Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000            U.S.A.
|               |