Ken Nutsford <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I have been considering using the SYSGEN tape facility to provide a
>backup for HP3000 operating system and user files but the store parameter
>allows the specification of a fileset. There is no option for DIRECTORY
which is
>essential for the securing of the directory structure. Without this option
>does not appear possible to have a single tape set with the operating
>directory structure and files completely captured for total recovery.
>Is there a simple solution to achieving a SYSGEN tape set for complete
Try running BULDACCT just before you invoke SYSGEN.  BULDACCT will create
two files: BULDJOB1 and BULDJOB2; the first recreates accounting structure
while the second sets UDCs.
To recover you would do an INSTALL (which would create a SYS account),
restore BULDJOB1 and stream it (which would build the rest of the accounting
structure), restore all the files, then stream BULDJOB2 to set all the UDCs.
 -- Evan