Stan wrote:
>    5) QUERY's FO setname command will be changed, with the addition of
>       one extra line after the "CAPACITY:" line, so that the last few
>       lines of output look like:
>            CAPACITY: 10000             ENTRIES:0
>            MAXIMUM CAPACITY: 111,234,567,890
Well, it seems trivial not to go ahead and add:
          CAPACITY: 10000              ENTRIES: 0
          INCREASE BY: 1000            MAXIMUM CAPACITY: 111,234,567,890
Anyway, based on the discussions about 202 and 205, it seems it would be
a *real* good idea to get a small group picked out by the SIEC to lay out
a reasonable request.  Once done, submit it as an SR (to cover the
"standard" procedure), and to the SIG for voting at IPROF.
This will save a lot of moaning at the meeting.  SIGIMAGE has laid out
the request, submitted the SR and presenting it to SIG, now it's not
questionable about the need/want/or whatever of the users.
Larry 'be sure to read the next line' Boyd
(BTW, these opinions are my own and not those of HP's.)