On Fri, 19 Jan 1996, Mary E. Plath wrote:
> From: mplath
> I believe it is correct that UDC's can call other UDC's ?
> Is there a limit to the number of levels of calling?
> Does the called UDC have to be after the caller UDC
> in the file ?
> Thanks
1) Yes, UDCs can call other UDCs.
2) Don't know; but I'm sure someone on this list does!
3) Yes, the called UDC must be after the calling UDC either in the same
file or in the file list.  This is due to the way UDCs are accessed; they
can only look forward, not backward.
Don  Harrington                         Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
(206) 931-4457 voice                    P. O. Box 3707 M/S 5J-34
(206) 931-9085 FAX                      Seattle, WA  98124-2207
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