Steve Dirickson b894 WestWin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
><<We sold a 917LX to a customer of ours in Texas.  He would now like it
>to be upgraded to a 927LX.  From what I understood, all this meant is
>that HP would go to his site, work some magic on the CPU (probably
>prgramming some ROM with a special HP code) and the license is upgraded
>from an 8-user 917LX to a 20-user 927LX.  The CE thought that was easy
>enough, but the sales guy that I have to send the P.O. to says that this
>is not the case.  He says that I have to swap the entire chassis in order
>to upgrade this thing.  According to my configuration guides and past
>experience, these were the exact same boxes with the only difference
>being that one had a 917LX badge and the other had a 927LX badge.  Is
>there something that I'm missing here?  Who is correct?>>
You are correct. No box-swap is needed.  I have bought several
upgrades.  You get a tape and it requires a CE to fiddle the bits with
it's mysterious password.  However, I have also found that very few
CE's know how to do this.
Mel Rees
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