<WARNING> This is mostly off-topic. </WARNING>
Jim Knight <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Rumor of the month club has HP buying Apple
This one has been flying for awhile now, but there are other contenders:
- Sony (whose products Apple uses, and who reportedly wants to get into
        the business)
- Oracle (who now has a small handful of Mac products, and who
          reportedly has been in talks with Apple before)
- IBM (who is a partner in the PowerPC platform)
- Motorola (whose CPU chips have been in the Mac since the beginning)
Given IBM's history, I'd rather it not be them.
The HP match might be interesting, but it would probably kill Apple's
innovation. (Would HP sell both the Newton AND the OmniGo 100?) Then again,
the "earthquake" movie that HP showed at last year's Interex conference
showcased many technologies in which Apple has invested much research.
Motorola seems most likely to keep their hands off (except for upper
management, where change can only be good).
I don't know about Oracle. Perhaps they could help Apple's image in the
corporate world.
--Glenn Cole
  Software al dente, Inc.
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