At 06:17 PM 1/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 96-01-15 16:01:56 EST, [log in to unmask] (Glenn Cole)
>>While not surprised, I *am* disappointed that HP chose to show only
>>peripherals (printers & scanners) at last week's MacWorld conference in San
>>Francisco. Am I the only one who thinks that the 3000 would make a great
>>server for a Mac network? Since MPE/iX 5.0 provides full support for
>>AppleTalk, it seems like a great marriage: the reliability of the 3000 and
>>the availability of online backup together with all that Macs provide.
>I also believe that HP, as a company, has made an about face vis a vis
>Windows NT.  Certainly they seem to be more willing to talk about it and who
>knows what the future holds.  Wim's departure could be an indication of a
>massive change in direction, but then again, maybe I'm reading things into it
>that are not there.
>All this to say, that if HP is going to utilise scarce resources to
>facilitate PC integration to the HP3000, I would vote firmly for Windows
>support over Mac, any day of the week, (weekends also for that matter.)
Rumor of the month club has HP buying Apple
Jim "rumor munger" Knight
          M-Net -- America's First Public Access Unix System
       (313) 996-4644 (14400-8N1) -or- telnet
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