I got my OV DTC MGR 14.3 update yesterday and installed it today.
There is a "check the environment" procedure that barfed on my RNS winsock.dll.
It checked the version and didn't come up with 1.10 at which point you can't
proceed. Since the RNS winsock works just fine with OV DTC MGR, it was time
for a little editing. The checking code is in a file named checkpc.mst, make
a backup and edit it as follows.
[snip beginning portion of file]
[some long lines editted for clarity]
   '' PC/TCP Network Stack
    WinsockPath$ = FindTargetOnEnvVar("winsock.dll", "PATH")
    IF CheckWin > 0 THEN
       CheckNet% = 1
       DiagLine$ = "Network software   |    Not properly installed ..."
    ELSEIF WinsockPath$ = "" THEN
       CheckNet% = 1
       DiagLine$ = "Network software   |  WINSOCK.DLL file not found ..."
       WinsockVer$ = GetVersionOfFile(WinsockPath$)
[Start change]
[comment 4 lines with single quote]
'       IF (GetVersionNthField(WinsockVer$, 1) < 1) OR ...
'         CheckNet% = 1
'         DiagLine$ = "Network software   | WINSOCK.DLL:  file incorrect ..."
'       ELSE
[leave one line alone]
              DiagLine$ = "Network software   |   PC/TCP 2.31 -or similar- ..."
[comment 1 line with single quote]
'       ENDIF
[End change]
    CheckRes% = CheckRes% + CheckNet%
    WriteToLogFile DiagLine$
[snip ending portion of file]
Of course, your autoexec.bat, system.ini, win.ini, protocol.ini are going
to get changed. The installation makes backups as *.ODM. When the installation
was complete, I deleted the new versions and restored the old versions as no
real (or acceptable) changes had been made.
Ross Scroggs                         email: [log in to unmask]
Telamon, Inc.                          CIS: 76011,2234
492 Ninth Street, Suite 310          voice: 510-987-7700
Oakland, CA 94607-4098                 fax: 510-987-7009