At 01:58 PM 1/12/96 -0800, Jeff Vance wrote:
>Perhaps the default value for
>the limit on the system jobQ should be the job limit specified in the :LIMIT
>command?  That is, the default sysjobQ limit equals the global job limit.
>This is compatible to prior uses of LIMIT, but could be changed via
>:altjobq $sysjobQ;limit=X   or  :limit X ;jobq=$sysjobQ.
Good one Jeff!  If the global limit takes precedence over queue limits, then
the bootup default limit for $sysjobq could be UNLIMited, which would be
overridden by an explicit setting as you describe.
>My vote is the default jobQ membership is based on the user.account in the
>:JOB command.  Thus, a single JCL file could introduce jobs into different
Yes, and if an admin *really* prefers the other model (jobq based on
user.acct of the user who :STREAMs the job) it could be done with a
system-level STREAM UDC:
  anyparm parm=$stdin
  stream !parm;jobq=!HPDEFJOBQ
(yes, I know it would be more complex than that if you still wanted the user
to be able to specify ;jobq on the command line... but you get the point)
>  This assumes that user.acct is a sufficient default jobQ membership
>criteria.  If user.acct alone (no jobname, no group name) is not sufficient
>then we should not extend NEW/ALTACCT and NEW/ALTUSER to support a jobQ=
>parm.  Instead, we would need to use some config file, or make default
>membership an explicit jobQ property, e.g.:
>   :NEWJOBQ xxx;defmembers="jobname,usr.acct,group; @.acct; j@,usr1.sys;
Again, if absolutely necessary this could be done (kludged) with a STREAM
UDC (if jsname='thisjob' then setvar streamq 'thisq'...).
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