Jim wrote:
> My suggestion would be :
>            [[;FMT=]{B[inary]}]
>                    {A[scii[,"c"|'c']}
> Binary = binary stream, no editing by PRINT
> Ascii = printable characters only (default) - non printing characters replaced by
> optional ,"c" character. If double quote mark is the desired replacement
> character then '"'.
> Default is ;FMT=Ascii,"."
  A good suggestion. However, the original intention of whether or not data
  in the file can be interpreted as line numbers requires another option, such
  as RAW.
  How much value addition it is going to make to have user specifiable filtering
  character [ ;FMT=["c"|'c'] ]?. I am not sure I understood the importance.
Thanks and regards,
Gopi ([log in to unmask])