We are in the last stage of porting a highcapable graphical Apollo
(WS30)-application to open-unix systems (HP-UX, SGI IRIX5.3, SCO, Linux,
Our application consists of 250.000 lines of Apollo-Domain pascal code,
whith extensive use of GMR 2D, GPR and Domain/Dialogue to build the user
interface. The port target is Ansi-C (Posix)/X11R5.
The ported application works very stabile and provides the same 'look and
feel'(1:1) as the original on  the Apollo-system. The only difference is
working speed 10 times faster.
A team of five unix-professionals spent about 12 months on the job.
The pascal code was still under heavy maintainance during this time.
So we had to automate the porting process, to make it repeatable.
The porting was done step by step. First was build an emulation library
of the domain system-calls. This library were tested in combination with
the original pascal code. The transition from pascal to C were
done almost automatically by tools and scripts.
We post this in your newsgroup because it took a long time to gather all
the information, the tools and the way to do this task.
If you have an old Apollo based application and you are interested on
support for porting it to a open unix system, you're invited to contact
us for further information.
Hans Aschenbrenner              * Phone +43 1 71 600 320
Software engeneering department * Fax   +43 1 71 600 323
Programm und Systementwicklung  * Mail  [log in to unmask]
Siemens AG Oesterreich          * "."
Geusaugasse 17                  * "No Kangaroos, no koalas
A-1030 Vienna Austria           *  only dealing with Lippizaner, Mozart,
                                *  Freud and Saengerknaben."