Hmm... Terminator 2 was on national TV sunday night.
  Now, at Cyberdyne Labs (the lab that develops the Terminator's
processor), I noticed some VERY familiar computer equipment!
  I thought it very ironic that _old_ HP 3000's and peripherals, all nicely
cleaned up, would be put as propery in a setting trying to portray
advanced equipment.  In a movie dated 1992, I caught glimpse of 2-3
HP3000/S40 or S42's, several 7925 or 7933 drives, and at least one 7970
tape unit.  Hmm... high tech?  We even got to see a 7925 get rattled with
bullet holes.  That was a very cool site to see... :)
  The VERY funny thing about the whole situation was that the main
characters were to blow up the computers and drives to destroy all the
information... ironically the only drive systems shown were those housing
removable disk packs!
  I think Hollywood deserves a very big Homer Simpson "DOH!" for that one.
Daniel Kosack  -- Linux Man --
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  --Nothing is ever impossible.  Imagination and improvisation are the key.