QUERYNM has been around for a while, 4.0 I think is when we noticed it.  HP
recommended that we not do on 4.0 what you are suggesting.  What do you know
that has changed?
Leonard S. Berkowitz                    voice: (617) 423-2020
Warren, Gorham & Lamont                 fax: (617) 423-9057
31 St. James Avenue                e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
>From: owner-hp3000-l%UTCVM.UTC.EDU
>To: Multiple recipients of list HP3000-L
>Subject: QUERY still CM on C.50.03
>Date: Saturday, December 30, 1995 10:43PM
>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       HP-3000 Systems Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
>Poster:       Ken Sletten b894 c331 x2525 <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      QUERY still CM on C.50.03
>Almost overlooked something after our new 959KS
>went online today:  Even after installing Express-3
>release of MPE (C.50.03), the QUERY in PUB.SYS
>is still CM.  You have to RENAME or PURGE
>get native mode.
>I know the Image Lab did this originally to make
>absolutely sure there wouldn't be any backward
>compatibility problems, but thought that was just
>for the initial release;  and that QUERY would have
>been shipped as the NM version on Express-3.
>Not yet.  I would suggest HP do that for MPE 5.5,
>unless some corner-case backward compatibility
>problem has actually been identified.
>Anyway, not a big deal;  long as you remember
>to do the RENAME.  I would have forgotten if it had
>not been that I couldn't resist doing a serial read of
>a large Image dataset to see how long that would
>take on the 959, and noticed a lot of CM switching
>going on......
>Ken Sletten