> Hi Tony.  We are indeed supporting the existing Open Deskmanager 2.0 PC
> clients, using the VIM protocol.  Some of the clients, I'm told, work
> with the old MAPI protocol, but we won't be moving to the newer MAPI in
> the near future.
> Also, Open Deskmanager 2.0 provides several different working PC clients
> on its installation tape, so as long as you use those clients, you'll be
> able to access OD2 from your PC.
We like the HP GUI for Windows and the Mac clients the best, but why
doesn't the HP GUI support drag and drop between itself and the Windows
enviornment? It seems to want the old fashioned approach of setting up
a .ini file just to define a few applications, when the Windows registry
already knows all about them?
Performance over Ethernet and from our dial-up client (Shiva) is just
fine, although it would be nice if it didn't download the whole list of
intray items and some of us have more than 400 items in a folder (or in
the intray [how *do* you get users to move messages out of the intray or
to just delete them? I am glad the GUI has a toolbar icon to delete and
move to the next message!])
-- - - - Speaking for myself and not necessarily anybody else - - - - - -
Richard Gambrell        | Internet: [log in to unmask]
Mgr. Tech. Services     | POT:      504-483-7454     FAX: 504-482-1561
Xavier University of LA | Smail:    7325 Palmetto, New Orleans, LA 70125