Alfredo quited someone:
> > Unfortunately if HP devoted their
> > resources to MPE and the HP3000, they would find themselves being eased
> > out of existence very much in the same way as Prime, Data General, Wang,
> > et. al.  Even Dec doesn't believe that their strategy should solely be
> > their proprietary OS.
Just thought I would point out a couple of interesting items in (I think it was)
last week's Computerworld.
First was an article about the lack of recent upgrades to the AS/400 operating
system.  It seems IBM has spent the last two years converting the system from
the old proprietary AS/400 architecture to the new RS6000/PowerPC RISC chip,
which has eaten up all their resources.  So the AS/400 world is now in exactly
the same place the HP3000 world was *ten years ago*. The new AS/400s will all
be RISC based systems, just as the HP3000 was converted to PA-RISC a decade
The other article was about the recent VMS users group meeting.  They described
last year's meeting as a wake.  Everyone thought VMS/Open VMS was nearly
dead. Now this year things have turned around completely. DEC has come out with
a new version of Open VMS (version 7.0) which is 64bit, and has good
integration with Windows NT.
In today's Computerworld there is an interesting bound-in section entitled:
"The RECENTRALIZATION of IT".  It seems that what goes around comes around.
Big organizations are moving away from decentralization and back to central
control and management of their IT resources.