Bruce posts:
> Alfredo asks:
> >b) A 4mPlus supports the Mac's AppleTalk protocol (through either
> >LocalTalk, with inexpensive/slow PhoneNet cabling or standard/fast
> >EtherNet cabling).  Just out of curiosity, why are you using a 4mPlus with
> >windows, which is prone to exit back to dos at the most inconvenient
> >moments?  Granted, the 4mPlus supports all kinds of protocols and cabling
> >schemes, so this is just a -- perhaps loaded -- question from a Mac lover.
> >For windows/dos, a 4plus (without the "m") is enough.
> The main reason I use one is so that I can use PostScript and AppleTalk
> rather than the some of the other oddball protocols. My WinNT system is
> connected to a LaserJet 4MV via AppleTalk; it was the only protocol that
> worked straight out of the box. Unlike the recommended protocol, AppleTalk
> does NOT require me to find the printer's MAC address, or to change it when
> I change printers or MIO cards.
   snip Bruce's excellent commentary and advice, which you can read
   in his original document
My previous post is consistent with *all* my posts, talks, papers,
HP management round-table questions, and every oportunity I have to squeeze in a
shocking "BUT THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES" remark.  I guess my foolish
but undying faith in humanity's basic intelligence will never give
up.  Bruce's comment is truly wonderful in this respect:
"My WinNT system is connected to a LaserJet 4MV via AppleTalk; it was the only
protocol that worked straight out of the box. Unlike the recommended protocol,
AppleTalk does NOT require me to find the printer's MAC address, or to change it
when I change printers or MIO cards."
Everyone knows that the Mac and the HP3000 work "straight out of the
box" whereas all flavors of Windows, Unix, Novell, etc. need a lot of tweaking,
fiddling, wall climbing, and hair tearing.  Yet, everybody (with a
few notable exceptions, of course) sheepishly goes along with whatever
the multitude says.  Yes, I know: peer pressure, market share, and other
"overwhelming" reasons to squelch YOUR beliefs.  If you think this
is an insult on your intelligence, may I recommend a good book to read
on a cozy winter evening: "Discourse on Voluntary Servitude" by
Etienne de La Boetie (written in the 1500s).
Oh, well...  It's not all lost yet.  Cheer up!
|               |
|               |   Alfredo
|            r  |
|          e    |   F. Alfredo Rego         [log in to unmask]
|        g      |   R&D Manager             Tel (208) 726-9100
|      a        |   Adager Corporation      Fax (208) 726-2822
|    d          |   Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000   ---   U.S.A.
|  A            |
|               |