Lee Gunter <<[log in to unmask]>> responded:
>At 03:47 PM 11/30/95 -0800, you wrote:
>>   ...  HP & Allegro recommend against restarting your machine with TC,
>>   as it does not reinitialize your memory fully, and on a very small
>>   number of machines it can lead to undetected memory parity errors.
>Stan's comment is well taken, but should be qualified to state that a TC is
>required following a system abort if a memory dump is needed and/or if
>MPE-scheduled jobs need to be recovered and/or Image log files must be
Yes, TC is necessary to perform a valid memory dump.
No, TC has absolutely nothing to do with the recovery of user logging
or scheduled jobs. All data necessary for these 2 tasks is always
retrieved from disc. To perform these 2 tasks, though, a START RECOVERY
must be executed and not a START NORECOVERY.
                            --Pete Crosby
*  Note: my comments are my own and do not reflect the views of my     *
*        employer or necessarily anyone else.     [log in to unmask]       *