At 04:29 PM 2/12/95 -0800, Duane Percox wrote:
>Earlier I asked if anyone knew about HP plans for making HP's object request
>broker (called Orb Plus I believe) available for the 3k. I noticed a clear
>lack of interest/response for this query and so it has raised some questions
>in my mind which are:
>0. Do you even know what Distributed Objects are?
>1. Do you care about distributed object technology?
>2. If you care about distributed objects, are you eagerly anticipating CORBA
>standard solutions or are you going the MS OLE and Network OLE route?
Waiting on standard.  And waiting.  And waiting...
>3. Would you like to see the 3k support Distributed Object Technology?
Since HP have no object-capable language on the 3000, thus no Local Objects,
then what chance Distributed Objects?  Maybe when there's a GNU CORB! :)
And what about an object store?  The price for HP Object database stuff was
unreal and there may be some internal disputes on the product design. I
don't know of any others object database vendors even announcing support for 3K.
If the best level of abstraction is only a BLOB then it is going to be a
long hard slog to get something practical working.
Jim "seMPEr" Wowchuk
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