At 12:33 AM 12/01/95 GMT, you wrote:
>Lee Gunter ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>: At 11:27 AM 11/29/95 GMT, you wrote:
>: >Walter Manise <walterm> wrote:
>: >
>: >If anlyone also knows a way how to give the HP3000 a reboot over the
>: >network when I have a VT connection it would save me a lot of time! Of
>: >course, the network software starts up automatically.
>: >
>: >Mario
>- Yes... of course you can remotely boot it  ;-> ...  just enable autoboot
>  from disc and cause a system abort (with debug, for example...).  Having
>  sysstart etc in place, yes, it'll come up and networks get restarted...
>:-) Eero - HP CSY Networking lab.
>PS.  Sure you understand that this is a joke, however, it would work.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ....   (Lee)