Bryan O'Halloran <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Can someone with experience of a medium size HP3k (300 to 400 users)
> advise if dynamic rollback recovery will work in practice or should
> I continue being ultra cautious.
Yes, it works in practice (especially since a failed DBUPDATE does not
require a DBXUNDO as of MPE/iX 5.0).
That said, do you have NetBase? A programmer here tried a program with
dynamic rollback against a NetBase'd database, and promptly caused a system
abort. He wasn't sure it was his program :( so he ran it again when the
system was back up. He discovered it was indeed his application. That was
under MPE/iX 4.0; I don't know which version of NetBase.
--Glenn Cole
  Software al dente, Inc.
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