On Tue, 21 Nov 1995 11:30:16 -0400 Chris Bartram said:
> In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:
>> I am Reflection 1 user and connect to an HP3000 (MPE/ix 5.0) via VT-MGR.  Is
>> it possible to switch the console to my ldev?
>There's a debug-method for doing this documented in the FAQ, and there's an
>enhancement to MPE/iX (don't know the status but I can vouch for it as we're
>running with it) that allows you to move the console to any terminal (vt or
>hard port). I don't know if the vt-console patch is generally available yet
>or if it'll be shipped in 5.5 or something - maybe Jeff Vance can fill you
>in on that.
I think the patch is in general release.  In either event, it is:
MPEHXD0A  5000-707158 - SL seg UISSEG3  WED, JUN 28, 1995   4:45 PM
   ER: Allow system console to be switched to virtual terminal.
Jeff Kell <[log in to unmask]>