In message <[log in to unmask]> "Dr. Ferenc Nagy" writes:
> I had a strange experience with Word 2.0 for Windows (3.1).
> Our institute has a logo, containing two words in a half circular arc shape.
> When I selected our HP LASERJET II/P printer during its printing then the
> letters were not on the half circle but in randomly rotated position on
> a V-shape. If I selected LASERJET II from the menu then the logo was nice.
> ???
>                                               Frank
You should check your driver to make sure that True Type fonts are loaded as
graphics option is ON. If you have already done so, then you will need to
check that the orientations of page setup and printer are both the same.
The symtom you describe is each image is not being rotated.
Are you printing in Landscape, this problem is more likely to appear in
Landscape printing rather that Portrait because the Laserjet II does not
support Presentation mode Graphics option.
Hope this helps.
|Kirk Whelan         Tel: 784-436234   SMM Software Limited, 42a High Street,|
|Technical Director  Fax: 784-433315   Egham, Surrey, UK.  TW20 9DP.         |