In article <"d00i1=p000000000*"@MHS>, Jerry Fochtman  wrote:
>On Mon, 11/6, Vickie Timms <[log in to unmask]> wrote
>: A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I could issue the command 'set
>: stdlist=delete' immediately before 'eoj' and the stdlist would not print if
>: the job executed successfully.  I tried this again last night but the jcl
>: printed anyway.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
>I too, have a listing I've kept whereby there were no errors yet the
>SET STDLIST=DELETE apparently didn't take affect for I have the output!
>Mine also has this command immediately before the EOJ.... perhaps this is
>a clue...  This wasn't a problem with this job before 5.0... :-)
Just for the hell of it, try doing a :SHOWVAR HP@>errlist just before the
:SET STDLIST=DELETE, and look at the error variables (HPCIERR, etc.),
comparing the errlists for the SETs that succeed, and the one that fails.
Perhaps this will suggest a pattern for the failure.  Please note that this
is just a WAG, and nothing may come of it.