Paul writes:
> I'm running on an HP3000/967RX
> RELEASE: C.50.02   MPE/iX HP31900 B.79.06   USER VERSION: C.50.02
> I was trying to redo a specific command when the following occurred:
> <SYS>:showvar hpred@
> HPREDOSIZE = 15138836    <------ I sure did NOT set this value
> <SYS>:
> Any Ideas ?
One...tell the vendor/user/programmer who created the variable
HPREDOVEMODIFY that he/she/they should *NOT* create variables that begin
with the letters "HP" unless, perchance, they *are* HP CSY.
(For a variety of reasons)
Another one: is it possible that you aren't interacting with the
true CI (CI.PUB.SYS), but a shell of some kind?  You can possibly verify
this by doing:   :showproc
Stan Sieler                                          [log in to unmask]