According to Bob Jankalski:
> No need to reinstall. Always a need to keep backed up. Just reconfigure
> path with sysgen (io,mdev X path=,HOLD,keep), then shutdown and move those
> discs/disks around. If you decide to move Ldev1 remember to set the
> primary boot path also. Something to think about... SCSI like any
> parallel bus only allows one device to pass data at a time. The effects
> may be insignificant depending on your configuration, but the typical
> trend for performance's sake is to move devices away from the system
> disc's channel, not toward it. The effects are usually of fine tuning,
> not major changes in throughput. Don't forget to START NORECOVERY on
> the way back up.
> Bob Jankalski -- Ideal Computer Services
I would like to thank Bob and all of the other answerers. Everyone
agrees that we don't need to do a reload. This is the approach that I thought
would work, but I'm much more confident now. I appreciate the advice, too. In
this move we will be splitting drives between two SCSI interfaces that were
all on one and to make room for a cd-rom drive.
Thanks again to everyone who responded.
-- - - - Speaking for myself and not necessarily anybody else - - - - - -
Richard Gambrell        | Internet: [log in to unmask]
Mgr. Tech. Services     | POT:      504-483-7454     FAX: 504-482-1561
Xavier University of LA | Smail:    7325 Palmetto, New Orleans, LA 70125