In a message dated 95-11-03 11:24:12 EST, [log in to unmask]
(virgil hovar) writes:
 That Jim Wowchuck wrote:
>>Finally, it was interesting to see that when powering up my PC, Windows 95
>>dutifully reported a time change for daylight savings.  Unfortunately, I
>>away from my desk after booting up (as is my want now that Win95 takes so
>>long to boot up).  It _appears_ but I can't confirm that while waiting it
>>stopped the clock.  Thus when I affirmed the change, the clock was in fact
>>now near 30 minutes behind. Did anyone else share this experience?
>I had left my Win95 system on overnight and had the message the next
>My clock was off ~30 minutes!?
That is funny, my desktop changed time by itself via Win95 and it had the
correct time.  That system stays on all the time.  My notebook, when powered
up Sunday afternoon also stated that the time change had been effected, it
also had and has the proper time.  On Monday morning, my 9000 also set the
proper time, only my 3000 needed intervention and that was accomplished with
the SETCLOCK w/ timezone command.
This is not to say that your cases are unique or that you may have faulty
clocks, but my Win95 PCs effected their time changes properly.  Truth be
known, there are so many people that would love to see Win95 fall flat on its
face that if your time changes problems were indeed widespread, it would have
been published everywhere.  Perhaps I just missed it.
Kind regards,
Denys. . .
P.S. Bruce, would you be so kind as to tell me if the Mac does its own time
change.  Believe or not, I have to deal with some Macs sometimes (not by
choice, I assure you :->) and I have to know if I need to change the time
when they are re-powered up in a few weeks.  THX.