Jay Jennings wrote:
> I am looking for some advice or help.  I have a great number of dates in image
> databases
> stored in K1 fields in the MPE CALENDAR format.  I need to load these datasets
> into
> a sybase database on a 9000 so I need to get these dates into a
> human-readable/sybase
> readable ascii format.  Suprtool doesn't (yet!) provide this functionality.
> Has anyone else
> run into this problem?  Does anyone one know of a way, short of writing a
> Pascal or C
> program to convert these dates?  I appreciate any and all help!  Thanks...
QUIZ or other 4GLs might be able to do this.  I didn't look up the
PowerHouse date format for the K1 type, so it may be the same.  However,
why not write a quick program?  Here's a simple SPLash!
    date := CALENDAR;
    time := CLOCK;
    move ba'buf     := 80(" ");
    FMTDATE (date, time, ba'buf(25));
Where data is a logical, time is a double, and ba'buf is a byte (or
character) array.  The intrinsic names are in caps.  Very easy, simple
and quick.
Larry Boyd    <[log in to unmask]>