In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] says...
>As i stated in my original message, I was new to the newsgroup, and I checked
>messages, but didn't find specifics to experience.  I have PSS support, but
>for your detailed info.
I just made the jump weekend before last. My installation included a mid-size
Netware/iX installation. Now two weeks later I've really only had one problem.
I didn't do the recommended new step to verify the contents of the SUBSYS and
thus did not know that they had screwed up my contract when I picked up
Image/SQL. HP had accidentally removed Allbase/SQL from the contract and it
wasn't on the SUBSYS.
I discovered the hard way that HP had increased the lincencing controls on
Allbase and that things didn't work correctly on our Allbase applications
becasue the system thought we only had Image/SQL. Once the addon SUBSYS was
installed everything worked fine...