Conner Peripherals upgraded their development machine a few weeks ago from
MPE/iX 4.0 to MPE/iX 5.0 (Express 2, I believe). Overall, there have been
very few problems (that I am aware of, anyway :). HOWEVER...
A programmer just issued %COPY FILE.GROUP.TEST, =.GROUP2 from DEV. It
happens that we have MPEXMGR.PUB.VESOFT set up with
   setvar mpexdefaultcopy ";KEEPATTR;KEEPAMDATES"
The "KEEPATTR" portion caused the copied file to retain the creator (user
AND account), and to make an ACD which enforced the same access to the
original file (in this case, no write access, etc.).
So, now that we know we definitely do NOT want "KEEPATTR," how do we purge
the copied file?? Even being AM of the account of the new file does not let
us purge this file!
Our only successful attempt thus far has been to sign on as the creator of
the ORIGINAL file, :CHDIR to where the copy is, :PURGE failed,
:ALTSEC...;REPACD=(R,A,W,L,X,RACD:@.@), :PURGE successful. This, of course,
is entirely unsatisfactory!
Is there a better way?
--Glenn Cole
  Software al dente, Inc.
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