Susan Lui <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I have ASK image database that needs to re-size (change capacity) once it
>reached to 80% full. I usually view the SYUT979, then run Adager, parm = 8
>to create a stream job. But I wonder if there is a way to automate the
>process, the system will wake up and knows the data sets  reached to 80% and
>automatically create a Adager job to run at night?
>Any idea?
We have been using CAPMGR from ICS (Idaho Computer Services, I think) for
sometime now to automate our Adager jobs. It is very inexpensive, about the same
as PC software, and is very high quality software. It allows you to define
thresholds based on percentage, free entries or historical patterns. It also has
great reporting features. My current contact for this company is Wade Bond at
208-867-3223. This contact may be a little dated, as we have virutally no
problems with this software and no need to call support. Maybe the folks at 3K
can update the contact for this company, they may have a newer person to call.
Chad Gilles
American United Life
E-mail at:
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