Since I'm fairly new to the listserv too, I would not be able to tell you
if you can find the information in the digest.  But the one thing I know
is that there are a few people on this list (given all the appropriate
information ... Is it a X.25 printer or a direct connect printer ? Do you
have OpenView DTC Manager ? ... etc.) that can help you.
+ Marco Santerre                  + Internet E-Mail: [log in to unmask]  +
+ Canadian National Railways      + Phone: (514) 399-7136            +
On Sun, 15 Oct 1995, DIGEST Vicki L. Royer wrote:
> I need information on setting up printers in nmmgr. I am new to listserv,
> could anyone
> tell me if there is nmmgr information in the digest and how to get to it?