At 12:15 PM 20/10/95 -0700, <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>That's funny, I am looking for the same file also. Problem comes up when
>trying to install the client part for Info Access that comes with Image/SQL
>ODBC stuff -- which, I believe I had already paid for. I just haven't
>had time to bother you guys look'n for a solution.
>Or is this file supplied from someone else and I need to spend several
>hundred $$ for? If so, then I guesss I don't really have the client part
>of Info Access, huh?
I could be wrong (could? hah!), but I thought the W3IPC.DLL file was the
NetIPC component for Windows (3.0!) when using the old "HP Network Services
for DOS" product, that is, it is no good without that product - given a date
of 28/11/92 it predates Winsock.  To legitimately acquire a W3IPC.DLL then
would require you buy the PC NS product.
I can't say whether Info Access *has* been updated to use winsock, but I
certainly would expect to have been.  For Image/SQL access, Winsock or
IPX/SPX are I believe the preferred transport options, while HP NS and HP
ARPA (both DOS products) are both terminal products (having a short life
expectancy, not VDU/Keyboard products).
Jim "seMPEr" Wowchuk           Internet:    [log in to unmask]
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