[log in to unmask] (Mark Landin) wrote:
>X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+
>Is there an implementation of Domain Name Services (DNS) available
>on 5.0? Right now we are just interested in allowing the machine to
>be a client, since we already have a name server set up at our site.
Under 5.0, there is no Domain Server Software available.  You can set
up the 3000 to be a domain client, however, by configuring the file
RSLVCNF(sp?).NET.SYS.  If I remember right, its pretty atraight
forward and there should be a template similar to HOSTSAMP.NET.SYS in
the same group.
If you have any questions or problems, let me know and I'll get our
file posted or e-mailed to you
Roger Klump
Orion Group Software Engineers
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