<< Our "lesson by fire" has been to remove all networking references from
your config.sys/autoexec.bat/etc before trying to update, then do a
custom install, let Win95 supply all the drivers, and you only have to
insure that IPX and TCP protocols are bound to the card.  The rest is
This is a really good point. As a first cut at installing W95, rename
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to something that W95 won't find/use (i.e.
not ".DOS"), or move them (this is after you boot up the machine, of
course). Then start 16-bit Windows if that's what you run, and run W95's
SETUP. Let *it* figure out what hardware is in the box, and what drivers
to use. Then, if necessary, copy selected got-to-have-real-mode-driver
W95-doesn't-recognize-it lines back into the startup files.
Steve Dirickson         WestWin Consulting
(360) 598-6111  [log in to unmask]