jeff brown <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>What kind of experience is out there upgrading from 4.x to 5.x MPEix?
For about a year ago we upgraded from v4.0 to the pull release of
v5.0. The only thing that didn't work fine was that it was not
possible to send output to a printername with 8 characters length in a
job. After installing a patch the problem was gone.
Sinds about a half year we are running the push release on our
testmachine (927/lx) with no problems. At the end of this year (begin
next year) we want to upgrade our other machines.
- 948
- 937/lx
- 937
>Did any of the new POSIX items create unexpected headaches?
No, you don't have to use it if you don't want to. But just like UNIX
if you like to puzzle use it  ;-).
From the UNIX-Haters handbook:
"Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and UNIX. I don't
think yhat this is a coincedence"
                                        - Anonymous
 Name     : Bert Haverkort
 City     : Hoornaar
 Country  : The Netherlands, Europe
 Email    : [log in to unmask]
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