Susan Lui <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I have about 20 extract files created nightly that need to be transferred
> from HP (using WRQ) to PC. Currently, I am doing  it by hand. Is there a
> I can write a job to run it while the extract files created? Those extract
> files are within the same group.
> Thanks.
Well Susan,
You didn't say if you were using Reflection serially or via Lan.  In
the case you're using a serial connection, there would be an
"artificial" way of doing that.  Your PC would log on the HP3000 and
check for the presence of a file built by the extraction nightly job
just before the "EOJ".  When that file would exist, the PC would start
the file transfers and would then purge that "flag file".
If you're using lan connection (and lan software on the PC), you could
use the PC as a FTP server if your lan software permits it (requires
MPE/iX 5.0 or Arpa/Ftp on pre-5.0 MPE).  For example, WRQ's 3000
Connection permits a PC to become a FTP Server with great security
(you can create users/passwords on the PC with correct security
Hope it helps...
"Racing, competing, is in my blood, it's part of me, part of my life"
                                                  Ayrton Senna (1960-1994)
Denis St-Amand ([log in to unmask] / [log in to unmask] )