Has anyone got WIN95 and ODBC working with ImageSQL?
  When I try ODBC access I am getting a sockets 66
'Protocol Not Loaded Error'. This occurs whether I use
MS Query or VB from Excel. I am on G1 on both the 3000
and my PC. HPRC has no solution as yet. I tried using the
Novell Winsock.dll that works for us under Win3.1 and lost
all my network services.
  All the services work fine from Win 3.1 based machines.
PS. I did the 5.0 upgrade three weeks ago and am now waiting on my
THIRD patch tape to correct various problems. ALL the patches were
available when I did the upgrade and a week prior to the  upgrade
I requested and received a Power Patch with susbsys just to avoid
this problem. Am I an exception or another slightly dissatisfied
  Doug Johnson                          Phone   : 408-742-0790
  Lockheed Martin Missles and Space Co. Fax     : 408-742-6440
                                        Internet: [log in to unmask]