I think I've told you before, but in case I didn't, or you are new to the
list, Listserv has been "spam aware" since the last release (May 95).
Thanks to that, you have been spared several dozen junk mailings since
that date.  I mention it again now since it caught three more just this
past weekend.  Unfortunately this doesn't apply to the newsgroup if the
spams arrive that way, but for those of you on the list, it works (well).
[\] Jeff
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The following  message was submitted  by [log in to unmask]  to the HP3000-L  list at
UTCVM.UTC.EDU.  It is  being  forwarded  to you  for  verification because  the
message has been identified as a  possible "spam", that is, an advertisement or
other  unsolicited material  sent to  large numbers  of mailing  lists with  no
consideration for whether  or not the material is appropriate  for the lists it
is being  sent to. A single  "spam" can result  in the delivery of  millions of
unwanted e-mail messages worldwide, costing the victims and service providers a
total of several  hundred thousand dollars. The cost to  the spammer is usually
under five dollars. To be effective, a counter-measure must neutralize the spam
within  the first  five minutes.  Consequently, there  is no  time for  all the
LISTSERV  servers to  compare notes  with each  other before  acting, and  some
legitimate postings may be intercepted erroneously. If this is the case, simply
forward this message back to the list with an explanatory note.
---------------- Message requiring verification (1393 lines) ------------------
Return-Path: <[log in to unmask]>
Received: from UTCVM (NJE origin SMTP@UTCVM) by UTCVM.UTC.EDU (LMail V1.2a/1.8a)
with BSMTP id 9155; Sun, 8 Oct 1995 02:44:43 -0400
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Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 01:15:31 -0500
To: [log in to unmask]
From: [log in to unmask] (Samantha Jerrings, President, Association of International
 Students, Eastern Division)
Subject:  ===>> FREE 1 yr. Magazine Sub sent worldwide- 300+ Popular USA Titles
(1400 line advertisement for magazine subscriptions deleted)
[\] Jeff Kell <[log in to unmask]>