Denys Beauchemin <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>In a message dated 95-09-25 02:12:34 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Bill
>Lancaster) writes:
>I thought someone else would respond before now, but here goes...
Denys, I can not respond for Bill but since I am apparently in a similar
situation, I'll take the opportunity to stick my two cents into the thread.
>1- Bill, you presumably spent money buying the Windows95 upgrade and the
>Microsoft Plus product and went through an exercise installing and then
>subsequently de-installing the product.  What possible reason, Bill, did you
>have to spend money, try the stuff and take it off?
For the purpose of evaluating the Win95 product.  The evaluation -- there is
nothing in Win95 which we can not live without.  Sure, there are some nicities
in Win95 even without the 32-bit applications.  These nicities alone are not
enough to offset the cost of replacing about seven 386SX-16 & 20 machines with
486DX-33 or Pentium-60 systems.
The other twenty or so PC machines in the office are 486 and Pentiums and are
capable of running Win95.  They will stay with Win3.1 until the entire office
moves to Win95.  That's a support issue.  You see, I'm the 3000 system
manager, analyst, PC maintainer, chief cook and bottle washer and I have one
assistant who is the 3000 system operator, programmer, assistant cook and dish
washer. <GG>  And yes, I prefer this two person shop to my previous job in a
larger shop -- no ulcer medication to take. <g>
I can hear you asking "Have you installed 5.0 yet" and the answer is no.  We
scheduled it for July and then found we needed a particular patch (don't
remember the ident) to keep our financials package happy.  We'll try again to
install 5.0 the first weekend in November.
We're a pretty small organization as far as people and machines.  I generally
tend to take a more conservative approach to things in general and new
software (or upgrades) in particular because I don't have the resources to
deal with major problems in new software.  I'm more than happy to let the
likes of you, Stan and others be the "pioneers." <g>
Bill Lancaster probably has a completely different set of reasons for
uninstalling Win95 and I hope he will reply.  I'm sure LPS is not short of
people for support and surely money to upgrade PC's is not a problem -- after
all, we know you consultants and 3rd party software suppliers have deep
pockets and more money than you can spend. Right? <GG>
In all honesty I feel somewhat selfish for getting the "attaboys" from my boss
for the reliability of the 3000 while you and others are identifying,
reporting and tracking MPE/iX bugs.  The information shared in this forum is
greatly appreciated, too.
So I'll close with my sincere THANKS to you and the other participants here
who make my work life easier because you break trail and I just follow.
John Pearce
Bethesda Management Company
Colorado Springs, CO
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