Thanks, Nick for your response.  Point well taken.
Bill Lancaster
[log in to unmask]
> Pardon my digression, but listen up!  I am blind in one eye, etc.
> because I decided to KEEP my "85 instead of buying a new car with an airbag.
> Forty years with only a banged uo knee and now this.  GET A CAR WITH AN
> AIRBAG!  All previous cars may leave you invalided, or WORSE!
> OK, I am off my soapbox.
> > Again, Windows '95 is a good product.  But then, so is the '96 Dodge
> > minivan but I'm not prepared to go get one when my '89 still rolls!  I
> > know, I just went shopping this weekend for a new van and made that very
> > decision.
> >
> > Hang in there, gang (oops, I almost typed "guys"!)
> >
> > Bill Lancaster
> > [log in to unmask]
> >