On Thursday, October 5, 1995 at 5:30:00 pm MET,
Susan Lui <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I have about 20 extract files created nightly that need to be transferred
> from HP (using WRQ) to PC. Currently, I am doing  it by hand. Is there a
> I can write a job to run it while the extract files created? Those extract
> files are within the same group.
> Thanks.
We wrote a small program, called R1CMD, which accepts a reflection command or
command file
as a parameter. This enables you to control a reflection session from the HP.
If people are interested we can make this program available to the world.
Peter van Boheemen
Drs. Peter J.C. van Boheemen
Head Systems Development and Data Base Management
Jan-Kopshuis, Automation Department
tel: +31-8370-82517                       fax: +31-8370-84761
Email: [log in to unmask]
Snail:Gen. Foulkesweg 19, 6703 BK Wageningen, the Netherlands