Hi Folks:
Who could give me the address of the developers and vendors of AdvanceLink?
I would like to ask from them some undocumented details about
1. font libraries,
2. character conversion procedures.
3. I have to solve a strange problem: Our HP3000 GX is connected to a
remote PC via AdvanceLink. The connection is going very well on 9600
baud, if the HP send data to the HP, or the user commands the HP from the
":" prompt, or the user fills VPLUS screens and sends the data in block
mode to the HP. The mysteries begin when an AdvanceLink script sends a
command line to the HP. The command arrives frequently distorted to the
HP. Examples: - The script composes a "hello user/pw1.account/pw2" string
and sends it to the HP. The string arrives as "hullo user/pw1.acount/pv2"
ore something like that, and the user gets an unpleasant refuse message. -
The script includes a "&dscopy" command. Instead of the "RUN MONITOR
PUB.SYS" line appears "RUN MOMITOR.PUB.SZS" on the screen. The user gets
the ":", she type in the correct "MONITOR.PUB.SYS", and the transfer is
executed, but the remaining steps of the command script is flushed. - If
these steps are accidentally executed without error, the last step of the
script is a UDC call, "KORBE I,5" which is distorted in a similar random
I was accused with programming errors and forced to reinstall the
AdvanceLink from the original diskettes because this error arises in a
certain software environment. But I echoed the lines before the their
sending to the HP and they were intact. And we have several other PC
terminals where this kind of error has never occurred.
I suspect that the lines from a command script are sent to the HP a bit
quicker than the commands typed by the user or sent in block mode. The
terminal is far from the PC, we have a long log of communication errors.
Now the error is not so coarse that the simple hardware tests could point
it, but there is a slight disturbance from an other computer or something
like that.
                Any suggestions?
                                        Thanks in advance.
  |\  /~ ~~|~~~ Family : NAGY; first name : FERENC; title : Ph. D.
  | \ |   -+-   Institute of Isotopes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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There are 3 kinds of programming errors:  syntactical, semantical and mystical.
The programmers have to suck up the users just as much as absolutely necessary.