In a message dated 95-09-30 01:58:42 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Bill
Lancaster) writes:
>I know that it may not be apparent to you but maybe there really was a
>reason for me to deinstall Windows 95.  Suffice it to say, I did have a
>reason having to do with testing and convenience.
Sorry Bill, that is not what you said.  You originally said that you took off
Windows95 because you did not need it. You said that Windows 3.1 had
everything you wanted.
>When you say that you
>presume I deinstalled 5.0, maybe that is part of the problem.  If you
>spent just a little less time presuming and a little time actually
>reading posts, you may find that your responses would be actually germane.
I apologize Bill, now I find the story confusing.  You said that you had a
problem using the de-installer because of the big disk drive.  I said that
Windows95 handles the big drives nicely and that might be reason enough to
stay on Windows95.  Help me out here Bill, where do you get this to mean what
you paraphrased in the paragraph above?
>I didn't say that Windows 95 needed a deinstaller because of disk
>management and I didn't say that I can't use my disk space >512
I did not say that's what you said.
>The whole purpose of my post was to let people know that
>there is a deinstallation process which works and one that doesn't.
>Since many people are now in the greater that 512 megabyte realm of disk
>storage on their PC, and (though you can't seem to come up with a valid
>reason for deinstallation, they do exist in worlds outside your own) may
>need to deinstall Windows 95, my post may save some people some money.
The purpose of my post was to find out why you would spend money and go
through the exercise only to back off for no stated reason.  I am still
waiting to hear what the reason is to which you keep alluding.  That, more
than the de-install story, is more important to me and perhaps other as well
as I have the highest regards for you and Lund. Therefore I am forced to
assume that you discovered a big problem.  Please tell us, it might save
someone, especially me, some trouble down the line.
You made a nasty comment about the manual and the Microsoft PLUS disc, help
me out here.
>Geez, lighten up.
Does that mean you won't be sending me the software?
>Bill Lancaster
>[log in to unmask]
Kind regards,
Denys . . .