Today, I took a walk around the exhibit hall of the IOUW Oracle show
(which is a user group show similar to INTEREX).  Anyway, we often read
messages on this list about how the 3000 is left out.  So, Mike Whiteley
and I wanted to see who was here and what was here.
Besides Bradmark, it's good to see Taurus Software (haven't seen anyone
yet), WRQ (no one there either), DISC (saw and talked with Dave), and
No one was at the HP booth, so we started reading the signs see if the
3000 was mentioned anywhere.  Sure enough there it was:  "ORACLE ... on
the 9000 and 3000..."  We were happy to see this.  Then we started
looking at the equipment in the booth, and low and behold, the largest
(besides the monitors) piece of equipment was an HP3000/967RX.  We
couldn't believe it!  So, we did the only correct thing and took off our
shoes and bowed to it (no offense intended).
I'm waiting until Tuesday to actually see if it was a mistake ("Who
shipped this 3000 thing?  Where's the 9000?") or if there will be someone
in the booth who really knows what a 3000 is.
keep you posted...
Larry Boyd    <[log in to unmask]>